/I wished someone would have told me this before my big day:
Healthy skin and hair is the key to a glowing bride. Not covering with makeup and certainly not by coloring my hair.
Stress gets in the head and the whole wedding jitters and bridezilla moments ARE REAL.
Drink a lot of water and exercise (seriously) - the breakouts and dry skin is due to poor eating habits that you tend to practice when planning the wedding.
Don’t try to do everything yourself - delegate. Or else, the sleepless nights will cause serious eyebags!
So, ladies hear me out.. I don’t have the magic pill but I do think I cracked the code. The routine I started introducing to brides:
Every breakfast drink a small water bottle (500ml) and subsequently, the same amount of water for lunch & dinner.
After the 500ml water in the morning, chill a little then do a quick yoga sun salutation for 10mins to warm up the body for better blood flow.
After the yoga, apply honey mask to face & the tip of the hair for 15 minutes (rosewater compress for the under eye would be an added bonus)
Twice a month after work, prepare a hot salt bath to de-stress & relieve those muscle aches. Add some rose petals to the bath for aura cleansing which is a tradition in the malay culture for that special bridal glow.
That’s all it takes, really simple! I have been religiously doing the above routine for the last 2 years &I am real happy with the outcome (ps: turning 40 this year and I just want that “bridal glow” please)
So recently, I decided to launch a skincare line that is aligned to the bridal business I am in and what I have tried /tested on myself. Checkout my wellness instagram for bridal beauty solutions that is handmade and of natural products for bride-to-be. On top of that, some good read on the benefits of honey and salt bath here.
Love to hear what you think. Sending lots of love from Kuala Lumpur.
Alin Anuar